Current Assets Endring Dato
Fluence Corporation USD 73.17M 26.67M 2023-06
Inrom Construction Industries ILS 757.54M 55.28M 2023-09
Plasson Industries ILS 1.33B 37.69M 2023-09
Raubex ZAR 5.5B 544.42M 2022-06
Reliance Worldwide Corporation USD 589.14M 74.19M 2023-06
Shapir Engineering and Industry ILS 3.46B 21M 2023-12
Shikun & Binui ILS 12.65B 829M 2023-09

Shapir Engineering and Industry Omløpsmidler - Gjeldende verdier, historiske data, prognoser, statistikk, diagrammer og økonomiske kalender - Jun 2024.